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How to Create a Node App Within a Docker Container With Mongo


This is the second part of the series for Docker meets NodeJS where we are going to introduce a database service, MongoDB, which we will connect to it with our Node app through a network.

Note: Since we are introducing a new database service, by doing so this also makes our Node app also a service

Note: Ensure you go through the first part of this series since it contains a huge part of how we created our Node app within a Docker container.

Note: Remember to clone the docker_nodejs_app repo here

Getting Started


On the first part of the series we were able to:

  • Setup the project
  • Create a Node container


We should be able to:

  • Add a MongoDB service in which we will be able to access through a network.

About Services

Services basically are a group of containers, they make it easier to scale your application.

Lets Code

In order to connect to our Mongo database with Node, we need to install a new dependency called Mongoose.

$ npm install mongoose --save

Let's connect our Node App to a database that does not exist by adding a couple of lines in our app.js file.

// Connect to database
mongoose.connect("mongodb://mongo:27017/docker_nodejs_app", {
  useNewUrlParser: true,
  useCreateIndex: true

mongoose.connection.on("open", err => {
  if (err) console.log(chalk.red("Error connecting to our mongo database"));
  console.log(chalk.green("Connected to mongo database successfully"));

Note: If you have used mongoose and mongo before, your local or mlab connection URL might look like this mongodb://localhost:27017/<your_db> or mongodb://<dbuser>:<dbpassword>@ds115595.mlab.com:15595/<your_db> respectively and not mongodb://mongo:27017. This is because our mongo database service will be called mongo and since it exists in a docker container and not locally on your drive we will expose the port 27017 in its container.

Your app.js file should look like this

"use strict"; // Ensures our code is compiled in strict mode

// Lets import our web framework
var express = require("express");
var mongoose = require("mongoose");

// Initialise our app
const app = express();

// Lets set our port
 * The default port number is `3000`
 * Take note on that as we will come to that.
app.set("port", 3000);

// Connect to database
mongoose.connect("mongodb://mongo:27017/docker_nodejs_app", {
  useNewUrlParser: true,
  useCreateIndex: true

mongoose.connection.on("open", err => {
  if (err) console.log("Error connecting to our mongo database");
  console.log("Connected to mongo database successfully");

 * To ensure works as it should we will create a
 * simple endpoint to return a json response

// Define our json response
const data = {
  blog_name: "docker_nodejs_app",
  blog_author: "wachira (tesh254)",
  blog_author_twitter: "@wachira_dev"

// Define out GET request endpoint
app.get("/", (req, res) => {

// Initialize our server
app.listen(app.get("port"), () => {
  console.log(`Server listening on port ${app.get("port")}`);

If we run our Node app we should get an error

Screenshot 2019-06-05 at 4.31.58 PM.png

Create our MongoDB service

In order to build and run a couple of services, we need to introduce a docker-compose.yml file that contains certain configurations that will allow that.

$ touch docker-compose.yml

Type this in the YAML file

# Defines our composer file version
version: "2.2"
# Define our services 
  # This is our nodejs app built using the Dockerfile
    # The name of our node app container
    container_name: docker_nodejs_app
    # Restarts our node app whenever it fails
    restart: always
    # Builds the node app docker container from the local -
    # Docker file we created
    build: .
    # Exposes the necessary ports that our node app uses
      - "3000:3000"
    # All the services our node app will link to -
    # which in our case is only mongo
    # You can other services such as a Redis
      # The name should be similar to the service you will build
      - mongo
  # Our database service called mongo
    # The name of the database container, NOTE: it is similar to the name provided
    container_name: mongo
    # Builds a mongo image from the docker repository
    image: mongo
    # Exposes the ports that Mongo uses
      - "27017:27017"

To run our configurations we will use a docker-compose command...wait where did this come from? 😳

The command docker-compose comes with the Docker software, it executes the configurations in the docker-compose.yml file.

To build and run our app and mongo services, type this in your terminal

$ docker-compose up

What happens next will take a bit longer...😇...Free time...maybe make yourself a cup of coffee ☕️ or check out Twitter

What happens next, Docker:

  • Pulls the Mongo image from the remote Docker repository
  • Downloads Mongo into Dockers cache Screenshot 2019-06-05 at 4.51.30 PM.png

  • Run instances of mongo

Screenshot 2019-06-05 at 4.57.14 PM.png

Screenshot 2019-06-05 at 4.57.31 PM.png

  • Builds our Node app
  • Runs our server and connects to the Mongo database successfully.

Screenshot 2019-06-05 at 5.00.50 PM.png

What next after a successful build?

You can test out the database by creating a couple of

  • POST requests to save data in the MongoDB database collection
  • GET requests to retrieve data from the database collection
  • PUT requests to update data in the database collection
  • DELETE requests to delete data in the database collection


To summarise, in this post we have:

  • Connected to MongoDB database service successful
  • Introduction to the docker-compose command


In the next part:

  • We will host our application on Heroku
  • Push our repo to the Docker repository.
  • Other commands in Docker that will make your experience worthwhile such as:
    • Clearing container cache
    • Deleting, Stopping Docker containers
